For dryers with explosive environment

TYP 4361, TYP 4362

The heating element consists of steel heating branches that are attached to a steel flange with a nut.
The heating element is either without any surface protection or it is protected by means of metal spraying (aluminium).

The heating elements are intended for dryers with explosive environment. For proper application, the parameters given in the table must be observed. The user of these heating elements should adapt its surface temperature to the
operational environment. The proper temperature is achieved by providing an appropriate heat transfer by means of flowing air of adequate velocity and volume, to meet the requirements for non-explosive environment. The flow
direction should be perpendicular to the spiral axis.

The maximum surface operating temperature of the heating element is 400 °C, provided that it is permitted by the regulations for the given non-explosive environment.

The complete device with installed heating elements must be submitted for an approval to the local approval authority for non-explosive environment.

typové číslo objednací V W L L1 W/cm2
436190440 76 500 590 75 0,50
436192210 230 165 310 75 0,33
436192240 230 500 590 75 0,50
436192260 230 1250 590 75 1,25
436192280 230 1200 460 75 1,41
436192610 400 165 310 75 0,33
436192650 400 1000 590 75 1,00
436192660 400 1250 590 75 1,25
436192680 400 1200 460 75 1,41
436192690 400 1250 1000 75 0,70
436197210 230 165 310 75 0,30
436197680 400 1200 460 75 1,40
436198480 500 1200 460 75 1,40


typové číslo objednací V W L L1 W/cm2
436292700 400 710 1000 75 0,38
436292710 400 1100 1000 180 0,61
436292720 400 1500 1000 75 0,83
For dryers with explosive environment
For dryers with explosive environment

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